Re: courroie de transmission
Date: Sat 15 Sep 2001 18:38:37 -0400
Al Quds, Sept. 15, 2001
Dear extension cord:
Thanks for your encouraging e-mail. I'm totally demoralized for obvious reasons. People killed or wounded every day. And now with Tuesday's horrible events, I'm expecting the worse. Ilana's not too optimistic either. We can't sleep. I guess we're having trouble staying hopeful. I look at our kids - you know how infatuated we are with them - and maybe for the first time I wonder, did we think long enough before bringing children into this world? I mean, the world is so rotten, what kind of life are they gonna have? I better stop here before I get too pathetically melodramatic. Waah waah snif snif. I'm not writing to pour out my existential angst into your generous ear - I just want to wish you a happy birthday next week. May your twenty-nineth year be full of abundance, may your fields fructify and your herds modify. Talking about herds, don't pay attention to my worries about the kids, they're doing ok, and please don't stop yourself from starting a large, low-income family, children are the best thing in life. By the way, you seem to have met the ideal potential father? How is it going with your beau ? Still in love? (or has he already disappointed you, the éternelle insatisfaite?) Keep me posted. I have to run. Big hugs and kisses, your good old Ahmed who wants notthing other than your blissful happyness xoxo
P.S.: I'm glad you're testifying on the Web about your experience at the Québec Summit of the Americas, these things should be known. I look forward to see the final version. Here's a comment on your text: I understand you have chosen an "objective" tone to tell the facts but it seems to me your story feels a little dry. Your text is meant for a website. it's not a legal deposition in front of the International Criminal Court at The Hague! You can write, why not do it? That's my opinion but do what you want, stubborn. Off I go. Don't worry about us, we'll be all right. Please write soon. Ahmed